
This just means the systems and processes Chippenham Collective has in place to ensure it keeps members safe, works within the law, takes notice of relevant guidance and is accountable for its actions to both the Charity Commission and its members.

Chippenham Collective meets its governance responsibilities in the following ways:

  1. Preparing timely annual returns for the Charity Commission.
  2. Holding regular trustee meetings and upholding the governing document (constitution).
  3. Holding annual general meetings for all interested members.
  4. Facilitating a co-production committee for interested members.
  5. Making its policies and procedures available to all interested parties.
Chippenham Collective is run by its members for its members

Policies and procedures

Chippenham Collective's policies and procedures are reviewed at least annually.

Please let us know if you want to look at any of our documents on the following topics as we can email them to you:

  • Bullying and harrassment
  • Code of conduct
  • Complaints
  • DBS checks and recruitment of ex-offenders
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Financial rules
  • Governing document (our constitution)
  • Health and safety
  • Membership
  • Privacy and personal data
  • Recruitment of trustees
  • Safeguarding adults
  • Serious incidents
  • Gift aid
  • Risk register

We have also prepared a useful contacts list for trustees and volunteers and a trustee induction pack.

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